After a lapse of nearly five years, the call 3D2AG/p will be activated from the small isolated island of Rotuma (OC-060) in December 2007 by Antoine, also known as FO5RK.
The expedition is planned to start on December 15, and last until January 20 or so, depending on transportation schedules.Antoine will leave for Rotuma from Suva, Fiji via an inter-island shipping vessel, which takes 48 hours to reach the isolated island some 500 km to the northwest. There is no mains electricity supply or adequate supplies of fuel or any other commodities on the island, so all necessary items will need to be taken by boat. The equipment for this expedition will consist of the following:

ICOM IC-706MKII, 100 Watts (no linear).
Antenna: 20-10 m (including WARC bands): Spiderbeam 5-band (kindly donated by Con, (DF4SA);
80-30 m: Inverted-V. This will be the first time that a Spiderbeam antenna activates this DXCC entity.
Power supply: 120 a/h battery charged by three solar panels; supplemented if possible by generator-derived electricity (if adequate fuel and oil is available).
Modes / Bands: CW / SSB, 80-10 m6 m if openings.
Frequencies: usual DX frequencies +/- QRM; split if needed. We listen for QRP signals!

QSL Route: via 3D2AG / FO5RK in (c/o Sam TOROPE Box 3040 Noumea, 98846, New-Caledonia), Direct Only please with adequate Airmail SASE valid (not antique or collector’s item!) IRC or 2 green stamps minimum first-class postage). Please put your country and ‘Airmail’ label on the envelope; self-adhesive types are preferred. Requests without adequate return envelopes will be delayed.

QSL cards: nice color panoramic cards for this expedition are being produced by UX5UO.