Intel has developed a test chip for software defined radio that can handle Wi-Fi, WiMAX and DVB-H digital TV in one chip, reports Electronics Weekly.
It would allow users to access the WiFi network in the home, automatically handover to a WiMAX network when you leave the house and also access digital TV on the move, all through one chip.
“There is a shift from people wanting their content any time, anywhere to any device, any network, and the problem is there are too many radios,” said Jeff Hoffman, system architect for the wireless communications lab.
The chip tapes out next week and uses nine processing elements in different combinations to handle the three protocols. The test chip measures 24mm squared overall and consumes 79mW in receive mode at 52Mbit/s and 72mW in transmit. It links to three RF chips for the different networks.
“This provides all the digital signal processing and forward error correction for these three protocols and the area is still comparable to three fixed function Asics,” said Hoffman.
The Software Defined Radio Forum argues that SDR technology can help public safety agencies make use of spectrum in the 700 MHz band, scheduled to be auctioned off next month. The ability to quickly switch between and among frequencies should facilitate the sharing of frequencies among different groups, proponents argue.