Hello! My name is Alexander! I was born on 18 August 1981 in Moscow where I live to this day. Has finished 11 classes of school, in July 2004 has finished institute... I Work in the private security enterprise as the head of group of a department of maintenance service of systems of safety.

Since 1998 of the beginnings actively to be engaged ham radio. It is especially grateful for it to Alexander Koval' (UA3AFO). To the person who has learned me to the Morse alphabet, has prepared the equipment on which I could prophesy, and "has pulled out" on HF. In July 1998 has received call RW3AFY having 3-rd category. Having 3-rd category of the license in Russia it is possible to work on 160, 80, 15, 10 meters and all UHF bands, but with restrictions on capacity of radiation (no more than 10 Watt) and by kinds of modulation (on 15 meters it is possible to work only CW). In due course has improved the skills and has received 2-nd category, and then and 1-st - the maximum.

First my transceiver was the army radio station R-143 working from 1 up to 20 MHz as CW. In January 1999 I have bought transceiver UW3DI/4 (the Russian development) and began to participate in world contests. On 28 December 2000 I have bought new transceiver ICOM IC-718. On 2 September 2005 I have bought VHF\UHF transceiver ICOM IC-910H and now I master work on VHF\UHF bands. On 17 March 2007 I have bought new transceiver ICOM IC-756PROIII on which I work till today. Now I actively work on HF from 160 up to 10m and also VHF on 2 meters basically CW, also SSB, rare RTTY, PSK, JT65. As my shack you now looks can see in a photo below.