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You are here » ВінРадіоФорум » Наука и техника » Cоздан приемник размером с песчинку

Cоздан приемник размером с песчинку

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Американские ученые сообщили о том, что им удалось разработать приемник размером с песчинку из углеродных нанотрубок.

Созданием устройства занимались компания Northrop Grumman Corp Electronics Systems совместно с исследователями из Университета Иллинойса.


Радиоприемник работает с наушниками и антенной традиционного размера. Как сообщили разработчики, наноприемник работает лучше многих современных миниатюрных устройств, функционирующих на кремниевых кристаллах.

Также, по словам создателей, факт создания радиоприемника не так интересен, так как то, что нанотрубки можно использовать в качестве высококлассных полупроводников.

Напомним, что ранее специалисты из университета Беркли в США также сообщили о создании самого маленького в мире радиоприемника, изготовленного из одной нанотрубки длиной в один микрон и диаметром в 10 нанометров.




УХТЫ-БУХТЫ!!!..а как его крутить, если он малюсенький такой?  8)



Ну вероятно этот приёмник представляет собой не что иное как  полупроводниковый детектор. А вот о том как "крутить" входные контура и на какой диапазон длин волн он расчитан можно лишь только предпологать...



вы такие умные что я теряюсь))  :flirt:



можно перевести тему в направление изучения принципа действия синхрофазотрона  :cool:



Вот чё есть - FM Crystal Radios

copyright © 2006 by Larry J Solomon

I  have heard, even from a physicist, that it is impossible to build FM crystal radios. On the other hand some experimenters claim that they have built them. This argument intrigued me to try and build an FM crystal radio, which I have done successfully. To my surprise, the result is an astounding performer, pulling in four local stations in Tucson. When connected as a receiver to a good sound system the sound fidelity is as good or better than more expensive AM radios. In fact, it sounds "high-fidelity".


This picture shows the Solomon FM Crystal Set in an acrylic display case. I made the set specifically to fit inside this case (the case came first).

My definition of a crystal radio is one that is not powered, except by the radio transmission itself and employs a crystal detector. So, it cannot have any batteries or AC power. An FM crystal radio must be able to detect and receive FM signals well enough to be heard in earphones without any such extra power.

The circuit looks identical to a classic AM crystal circuit but is even simpler to build. The components were reduced in dimension to resonate at higher frequencies. This was done by experimenting with smaller and smaller coils and capacitors. The antenna is also much reduced in size (from that of AM)  to resonate at higher frequencies. The air variable capacitor I used has two trimmers in it which should be adjusted for best reception.I have found that a commonly available vernier dial and knob will fit the capacitor nicely. See end of article for a picture of the variable.
C3 is a ceramic capacitor of 18 pf, but may be anywhere from 10 to 50pf. A detected FM signal is converted to AM due to an effect called slope detection that modulates amplitude.

This FM Crystal Set works best near the transmitter (I have not tested it beyond about 10 miles). Secondly, the  sound level is not very loud; a quiet room is best for listening.One must be willing to move the set around to find a location for the best reception of signals. However, in addition to listening with high impedance earphones (crystal or otherwise), the set can be connected directly to an audio amplifier's low level magnetic input which can then play amplified through a sound system at any volume -- sounds GREAT. No additional wiring or antenna is necessary (the antenna is optimized in length for FM.


L -  4 turns #18 copper or silver wire, 12mm inside diameter, tapped at 2.5 turns
Ant - 7 inches of #18 bare copper wire
C1 - 18 pf ceramic capacitor
C2 - 50 pf air variable capacitor
D - 1N34 diode or rock crystal
R - 150K resistor

I consider this set a work of art. The diode is tapped directly to the antenna. The vernier dial fits directly on the tuning capacitor. The antenna parallels the perimeter of the acrylic face plate.  "Military style" #18 AWG wiring is used without any insulation. It is important to keep the components physically close together. The component specifications are the same as in circuit #2. The coil is silver rather than copper, but copper will do just as well. The coil was wrapped around a "magic marker", then slipped off and expanded. The wooden base is made from lacquered, polyurethane padouk.

I consider this to be the most elegant crystal set I have created. Yet the circuit is so ridiculously simple that some will not believe it is possible without building it themselves. No shielding is necessary, and there is no problem with hand capacitance. However, the output cable position may affect reception sensitivity.

Photos of wired circuit


A hand is included in this photograph to show scale. Note the military style wiring, diode, and antenna. I wanted the wiring to create a modern design similar to a Mondrian painting.


This shot shows the elegance of the FM set best, I think. There is only one resistor and one fixed capacitor.


The inside of the tuning capacitor and the phono jack/output can be seen here.  Can you spot the ceramic fixed capacitor here? Note the polished edge of the face plate.


A quarter-inch piece of lucite was fitted under the tuning capacitor to anchor it.  Note the two tiny trimmers on the back of the tuning capacitor.


The vernier dial is large to accomodate ease of tuning, and the vernier makes it especially easy to separate stations. Two golden (brass) wood screws fix the face plate to the base. Holes for the face plate were made with special plastic drills, but ordinary drills may be used if drilled very SLOWLY. The knob is removable.



FM Crystal Circuit #2


L - 5 turns AWG#18 bare copper or silver wire, 12mm inside diameter, tapped at 2.5 turns
D - 1N34 or rock crystal diode
C1 - 82 pf capacitor
C2 - 80 pf air variable capacitor
C3 - 18 pf capacitor
R - 150K resistor

The following photographs show the circuit wired with the handmade Saturn Dial. and knob.


The Saturn dial and knob were fashioned from a "doll's head" from Michael's Arts and Crafts, a piece of  lucite cut with two circle cutters, and a brass paper fastener. The knob is fixed to the tuning capacitor with a small machine screw that fits in the hole below the brass fastener. The most difficult part of this was fashioning "Saturn's rings". This must be done very carefully and slowly. The inside edge should be cut slightly undersized and then sanded with a drum sander to fit snugly. The outside edges can be sanded with fine sandpaper and polished with a plastic polisher.


The air variable capacitor may be obtained from Electronix Express at http://www.elexp.com/. Part number 14VCRF10-280P. The 80 pf side is recommended for the second circuit, contacts 2-3. Contacts 1 and 3 were used for the first circuit (50pf).
OSC: 5-59 pf
ANT: 5-142 pf
OSC and ANT Trimmer 10pf range




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